

Welcome to India Simply India! I am glad you could make it here. This blog idea started as a way to express what I see and learn in India as a wife of a loving husband and mother of 3 grown up children. I have always been fascinated about the diversity of the Indian culture. Being born in India and having travelled across the country and outside of India, I have a great appreciation for the beauty of this great nation. Each day I have loved to explore her vast diversity, beauty and colours. As a home maker, I have always kept myself busy in trying out new things, that has allowed me to learn new things along the way. I used to be an avid traveller, willing to be lead to the utter depths of the Indian culture. I am writing this blog with hopes that my fascination for this great nation can be captured in detail for others who would love to bask in the cultural sunshine of India. Come, join me to experience the aroma, colours, culture, historic landmarks and festivities of India. Come and be a part of this unique country!  

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